Google Analysis: Electric vehicles ascending search over Hybrid vehicles and Starbucks over Dunkin Donuts

Viviana Sanchez
3 min readJan 26, 2021

Global warming has become one of the world’s biggest concerns, a major contributor being vehicle emissions.

The future of a more sustainable vehicle has developed in recent years and continues to become more widely available. According to an analysis of Google search on Google tends, electric vehicles are more commonly searched for over hybrid vehicles.

Essentially both vehicles cut down on emissions.

Hybrid vehicles are like any other car fueled by gasoline but the only difference is it has both a gasoline engine and an electric motor, being able to regenerate electricity during breaking points through regenerative braking.

Electric vehicles work only through an electric motor, meaning it must be recharged by a charging port to gain movement.

Each has their own issues such as electric vehicles being more expensive than hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles taking time to recharge unlike hybrid vehicles who pump gasoline for a fraction of that time.

Hybrid vehicles are not as energy efficient as electric vehicles and need the maintenance of regular engine check.

In hopes that consumers will make the switch to a more energy efficient vehicles, there have been incentives promoted to drivers who decide to purchase either a hybrid or electric vehicle, having up to $7,500 federal tax credit varying by state.

This is just one example of how citizens can contribute towards efforts of reducing the dependency on fossil fuels. By changing something the common person uses in their everyday lives such as their vehicles can make a big difference to the environment.

Starbucks surpasses Dunkin Donuts in comparison to search analysis

Coffee has become very popular in the United States, being one of the largest coffee consuming countries.

Many people start their day off with a cup of coffee as a source of energy. Not everyone has the time to stop and make coffee and decide to buy it during their commute. Big coffee chains such as Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts have dominated the U.S. coffee market. According to a Google search analysis on Google trends when comparing the two chains, Starbucks surpasses Dunkin Donuts throughout the past 12 months.

The main difference is not who has the better tasting coffee but where it is available. Starbucks significantly has more locations than Dunkin Donuts in the United States. Starbucks has about 15,000 locations as compared to Dunkin Donuts who have about 8,500 locations in the United States.

Additionally, Starbucks caters to customers with higher disposable incomes, offering a quiet and comfortable coffee house experience with free internet access and personalizing the beverages of consumers by writing their names on the cup served.

Dunkin tends to appeal to the middle class having a less expensive items on their menu, incorporating not just caffeinated beverages but also its variety of food options. It also gives consumers a fast food appearance, and tends to have more locations being franchised unlike Starbucks who have company-owned locations.

Both companies have different marketing strategies, marketed to different customers whether that by location or income. Coffee is not going anywhere anytime soon and it would be interesting to see a rising competitor enter into this race in which company dominates American coffee consumers preference.

